Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Shell Drawing #2

            This week our second homework drawing of our shell was due.  We had a small group critique among our colleagues, and then Amy gave us individual comments on a sticky note attached to our drawings.  
            During the critique with my colleagues I pulled up a picture of my first shell drawing so they could see where I made improvements and what still needs to be worked on.  Everyone in my small group agreed that this second drawing of my shell had gotten a lot better.  I filled my page nicely and had a good diagonal with the shell receding back into space.  They also thought there was more weight to this shell then the first drawing and that there was better line variation.  Overall, the shell was more closely observed this time. 
            On the post-it note I received from Amy she gave me comments, which I completely agree with.  She thought that my scale was good but that the front of my shell was at two horizontal of an angle, the back of my shell shows a better diagonal.  The front of the shell also needs more clarity with the plane changes.  I totally agree with this and found that to be the most challenging part of my shell.  I have one more angle that will have the front of the shell and I am hoping to get the plane changes right on that one.  There are also a few dark spots on my shell that dominate the drawing, Amy suggests that I get rid of those for my next drawing as they are a bit distracting.
            I felt that there was a lot of improvement between this shell drawing and my previous one, however I know that there is still a lot more improvement that needs to happen.   As I continue to observe my shell I feel that I will be able to make improvements.  I am also quite excited to add in ink to the next shell drawing.  I hope that this will add to my shell, but I am also nervous about this component, as I have never used ink before.  It is always exciting to experiment with a new medium though!


  1. Hello there! I thought that I would comment and tell you that I really enjoy your shell drawing! I like it a lot from the dark contour lines you put in the widest part of it and from there on back. The foreshortening is nice and shows good movement. I feel like I can understand the details with your shell, but from the top half it gets a little flat and inconsistent. I totally can understand the confusion, because when I look at the top of my shell my eyes tend to cross and get lost in it. I need to remember to start angling my shell more dramatically, which is something that yours and mine have in common. It kind of sits square on the page. It's a tricky delicate subject but I feel like we are all slowing improving.

  2. I also wanted to comment on how great your shell drawing turned out! It really has a lot of depth and also a good amount of movement like Alisha commented on. I really like your attention to the line weight, this adds so much to a drawing; it is definetly something that I need to work on with my shell drawings. I look forward to your next shell drawing. Nice job!

  3. The lines on your shell look like they were marked very carefully, probably a result of the close observation you mentioned. I think you did well describing the ridge on the end of the spiral, I like the darkness of the little corners where the plane changes.

  4. The line work at the point in the shell where it is the widest, is gorgeous! The variation in thickness and darkness shows how much the shell is changing direction and gives it movement. That single line gives the shell so much life!

  5. I'm really enjoying the line quality of this shell. You have done a fantastic job of energizing the entire drawing with your line quality.
